Call for presentations:Workshops / paper sessions
We are looking for you as a speaker with your ideas and best practice examples – in journalism practice OR journalism training.
For a special workshop/paper session we invite you to present your examples of best practice on digital storytelling – in journalism practice as well as in teaching journalism.
Over the last few years the media has accordingly adapted to new forms of digital storytelling. But it is not only up to journalists to implement new digital techniques in their daily practice, but also up to journalism schools to teach new ways of storytelling.
You found a new and creative way on how to tell an interactive multimedia story, present interactive documentaries and data or crossmedia stories online?
You implemented new methods and tools in your class on how to train students in digital storytelling?
Then please send us your proposal until May 1st, 2020 and be part of our workshop/paper session!

Examples for best practice in journalism practice OR training on „digital storytelling“ (Articles and stories – published or not, papers, studies, teaching methods, tools etc.). We are also looking forward to thematic approaches that may deal with the focus topic in an unconventional way.
Presentation time for each participant: around 20 minutes – if there is still time afterwards we will round up the workshop with an open discussion.
We will inform you until the 5th of May if you will get a spot in the workshop and send you all the needed information.